Maintenance & Support

Focus on what matters! Let us handle the maintenance & support of your websites and online shops — lightning-fast speed & expertly qualified.

Permanent contact persons and fast support

The web is constantly evolving. To ensure that your website or online shop is successful in the long term and that you have your head and hands free for your core business, we will continue to provide maintenance and support.

Maintenance and support tailored to your needs


Backup and update services, debugging, server and traffic monitoring for permanent first-class security, availability, and performance.


An individual service level agreement ensures you have an assigned contact person, personal slack channel and fast support via telephone, email, real-time chat, remote transmission, or on-site.


Focus on your business ‒ we will take care of the rest. Don’t worry about your websites anymore.

Our case study on maintenance and support

The goal was to fundamentally renew the old TYPO3-based website. The presentation of the DLH Foundation on the internet should inform seriously and transparently about its own work. During implementation, it was particularly important to make the site more interactive, as barrier-free, and responsive as possible.

We are proud of our clients

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